EGMS-toolkit documentation

Welcome to EGMStoolkit’s documentation!

EGMS toolkit

EGMS toolkit is a set of python scripts to download and manage the InSAR data from European Ground Motion Service. The toolkit allows:

  • to download the data automatically;

  • to merge the files;

  • to clip/crop the datasets.


Release info: Version 0.2.11 Beta, Aug., 2024

The online documentation can be found here.

Dependencies and installation

The requirements are:

  • Python 3

  • GDAL (best with 3.8.0)

  • GMT (with GSHHG)


GDAL 3.8.0 (or higher) is required for data gridding.

To install the EGMS toolkit,

On Linux and MacOS:

git clone
pip3 install -e EGMStoolkit

On Windows:

git clone
py -m pip3 install -e EGMStoolkit


For an installation in protected directories, the path of the Sentinel-Burst-ID map could be modified.

Run the toolkit

There are two ways to use the toolkit (in shell or in Python).

The user needs to use the temporary token from the EGMS website. It can be found at the end of download links (see image below). Any download links can be used, the user can use a random download link.

EGMS Token

Please find an example of the script use in your shell terminal.

EGMStoolkit -l L2a,L2b -r 2018_2022 -t XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -b -6.427059639290446,53.2606655698541,-6.0952332730202095,53.41811986118854 -o ./Output_directory --track 1 --pass Ascending --nomerging -noclipping --quiet --clean


The -h option is useful to get a help, i.e.,

EGMStoolkit -h

The –docs option is useful to get the documentation of EGMS-toolkit: i.e.,

EGMStoolkit --docs

In addition, EGMStoolkit can be used in a Python environment: see the example in the EGMStoolkit documentation.

Merging the L2 datasets

Due to the Sentinel-1 acquisition mode, EGMStoolkit offers two different methods of merging:

  • Without reducing duplicate of measurement points in burst/swath overlaps;

  • With reducing duplicate of measurement points in burst/swath overlaps based on the convace-hull algorithm.

The method can be selected by modifing (True or False) the option __removeduplicate__. The __length_threshold__ can be used for the same function (1000 by default).

The VRT format can be used for the merging and interpolation steps.


Alexis Hrysiewicz University College Dublin / iCRAG

Change log

See the Change log section of the documentation.


EGMS-toolkit Copyright (C) 2024 Alexis Hrysiewicz

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions (see License).


Hrysiewicz, A., Khoshlahjeh Azar, M., & Holohan, E. P. (2024). EGMS-toolkit: a set of Python scripts for improved access to datasets from the European Ground Motion Service. Earth Science Informatics.


The author acknowledges funding from an ESA Living Planet Fellowship (Project name: Raised Peatland Ecohydrology Evaluation through Sentinel-1 InSAR data and Machine Learning) and iCRAG, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre in Applied Geosciences.

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The Python package reflects only the Author’s view and not the one of the ESA. The Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.