module documentation

Classe compoment of EGMS toolkit

The module contains the classe and the methods to detect the tile regarding a user ROI, required by to run EGMStoolkit.

(From EGMStoolkit package)
  • 0.2.7: Add the Folium package in order to create the map, Apr. 2024, Alexis Hrysiewicz
  • 0.2.1: Fix regarding the EGMS-ID bursts, Feb. 2024, Alexis Hrysiewicz
  • 0.2.0: Script structuring, Jan. 2024, Alexis Hrysiewicz
  • 0.1.0: Initial version, Nov. 2023
Class S1ROIparameter S1ROIparameter class.
Variable latlon_to_meter Pyproj class Lat/lon (epsg:4326) to meter (epsg:3035)
Variable meter_to_latlon Pyproj class meter (epsg:3035) to Lat/lon (epsg:4326)
Variable source_crs Source CRS.
Variable target_crs Target CRS.
latlon_to_meter = (source)

Pyproj class Lat/lon (epsg:4326) to meter (epsg:3035)

meter_to_latlon = (source)

Pyproj class meter (epsg:3035) to Lat/lon (epsg:4326)

source_crs: str = (source)

Source CRS.

target_crs: str = (source)

Target CRS.